Detailed map atlas to follow throughout its length the via Podiensis. span> p>
The route: span>
The most famous of the paths of Saint - Jacques - de - Compostela in France. span> between the Puy - en - Velay and Saint - Jean - Pied - de - Port, the 755 km of the itinerary will make you discover so rich landscapes as varied, from the Volcanic Velay until The Pyrenees, passing through the vast plateau of Aubrac, the beautiful valley of the lot or the Quercy. span> The cultural and religious heritage is not left out with the route of the cathedral of Puy, before crossing on the course, among other things, the abbey of Conques and Moissac . span> Atlas: span>
Manichable and convenient, this compact atlas contains the entire route of Via Podiensis, with an IGN map background at 1 : 25 000. span>
- 92 very precise maps span>
- Ideal in the field or at home span>
- a Cutting the route in 33 steps span>
- The 755 km of the highlighted route span>
- 8 departments Crossing: Haute - Loire, Lozère, Aveyron, Lot , Tarn - et - Garonne, Gers, Landes, Pyrénées - Atlantiques span>
- Format 14 x 21 cm span>
- 176 pages span>
Only Atlas to present the full route mapped to 1: 25 000 in one and the same work. Strong> p>
ISBN/EAN : 9782844665096
Publication date: 2019
Pagination: 175 pages
Folded dimensions: 21x14cm
Language(s): French
Poids :
300 g