A reference guide, both practical and cultural, for an unforgettable stay in Ethiopia. span>
Its rock churches out of age, its incredible ethnic diversity and its sumptuous landscapes make Ethiopia an outstanding destination for the traveler. span>
A detailed presentation of the iconic cultural sites of the Country: Ruffle Churches of Lalibela and the Tiger Region, Gondar Castle, Remains of the former Kingdom of Aksoum, Old Harrah, Museums of Addis Ababa span> A Large coverage of outstanding natural sites, such as the simian massif to unreal beauty, or the Balé National Park, territory of the rare wolves of Abyssinia. span> a section on Djibouti, Border country with lunar landscapes, bathed by the red sea waters, where one can practice diving all year long. span>
cultural lighting presenting the many ethnic groups that populate the country. span>
All practical information to prepare your trip and avoid puzzles: means of transport, Safety, health ... span>
New travel planisphere tools as well as many routes ideas to help the traveler enjoy the maximum of his stay. Span>
photo notebooks All in color offer a glimpse of the country's beauties. span> Detailed maps to be autonomous in its trips. All accommodation and restore options. P>
ISBN/EAN : 9782816170917
Publication date: 2018
Pagination: 367 pages
Folded dimensions: 12.8×19.6cm
Language(s): French
Poids :
388 g