Detailed Road map from South California in Mexico, from Sierra San Francisco. Map published by National Geographic with quantities of tourist information (historical monuments, protected areas, activity sites such as scuba diving, marine reserves, service stations etc ...) and photos. Shots of several cities included including Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo and La Paz. P>
In inset, the corredor los cabos map. Table of distances also provided. This map is indich and waterproof. P>
Scale 1: 450 000 (1 cm = 4.5 km) p>
ISBN/EAN : 9781566952446
Publication date: 2019
Scale: 1/450,000 (1cm=4.5km)
Printed sides: both sides
Folded dimensions: 23.5 x 10.5 x 10.5cm
Unfolded dimensions: 96 x 65cm
Language(s): English
Poids :
89 g