Covered departments: Ariège, Aude, Aveyron, Gard, Haute - Garonne, span> span> Gers, Hérault, Lot, Lozère, Hautes - Pyrenees, Pyrénées - Orientales, Tarn, span> span>
Tarn - and - Garonne. span>
Guide features:
- 100 routes between 1:45 and 7:00 span>
- Cartography on the background IGN 1: 25,000 to easily locate span>
- Details of interest centers span>
- Practical information for safe hiking span>
- Useful addresses. Span>
ISBN/EAN : 9782844664815
Publication date: 2019
Pagination: 207 pages
Folded dimensions: 21x12cm
Language(s): French
Poids :
327 g